
« Prev 251. O God of God! O Light of Light Next »
Sundays after Trinity: Praise and Adoration

251. O God of God! O Light of Light



Joseph Barnby, 1872

John Julian, 1883

O God of God! O Light of Light!

Thou Prince of Peace, thou King of kings,

To thee, where angels know no night,

The song of praise for ever rings:

To him who sits upon the throne,

The Lamb once slain for sinful men,

Be honour, might; all by him won;

Glory and praise! Amen, Amen!

Deep in the prophets' sacred page,

Grand in the poets' wingèd word,

Slowly in type, from age to age,

Nations beheld their coming Lord;

Till through the deep Judean night

Rang out the song, "Goodwill to men!"

Hymned by the first-born sons of light,

Re-echoed now, "Goodwill!" Amen!

That life of truth, those deeds of love,

That death of pain, mid hate and scorn;

These all are past, and now above

He reigns our King! once crowned with thorn.

Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates;

So sang his hosts, unheard by men;

Lift up your heads, for you he waits.

We lift them up! Amen, Amen!

Nations afar, in ignorance deep;

Isles of the sea, where darkness lay:

These hear his voice, they wake from sleep,

And throng with joy the upward way.

They cry with us, "Send forth thy light,"

O Lamb, once slain for sinful men;

Burst Satan's bonds, O God of might;

Set all men free! Amen, Amen!

Sing to the Lord a glorious song,

Sing to his Name, his love forth tell;

Sing on, heaven's hosts, his praise prolong;

Sing, ye who now on earth do dwell:

Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain,

From angels, praise; and thanks from men;

Worthy the Lamb, enthroned to reign,

Glory and power! Amen, Amen!


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