
« Prev 238. Thy life was given for me Next »
Sundays After Trinity: The Divine Mercy

238. Thy life was given for me

Six 6's

Thy Life:

George A. Macfarren, 1875

Frances R. Havergal, 1858

Thy life was given for me,

Thy blood, O Lord, was shed,

That I might ransomed be,

And quickened from the dead;

Thy life was given for me:

What have I given for thee?

Long years were spent for me

In weariness and woe,

That through eternity

Thy glory I might know.

Long years were spent for me:

Have I spent one for thee?

Thy Father's home of light

Thy rainbow-circled throne,

Were left for earthly night,

For wanderings sad and lone.

Yea, all was left for me:

Have I left aught for thee?

And thou hast brought to me,

Down from thy home above,

Salvation full and free,

Thy pardon and thy love.

Great gifts thou broughtest me:

What have I brought to thee?

O let my life be given,

My years for thee be spent;

World fetters all be riven,

And joy with suffering blent;

Thou gavest thyself for me:

I give myself to thee.


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