God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, Three in One, Hear us from thy heavenly throne: Spare us, Holy Trinity. | Thou who, leaving crown and throne, Camest here, an outcast lone, That thou mightest save thine own: Hear us, Holy Jesus. | Thou, despised, denied, refused, And for man's transgressions bruised, Sinless, yet of sin accused: Hear us, Holy Jesus. | Thou who on the cross didst reign, Dying there in bitter pain, Cleansing with thy blood our stain: Hear us, Holy Jesus. | Shepherd of the straying sheep, Comforter of them that weep, Hear us crying from the deep: Hear us, Holy Jesus. | That in thy pure innocence We may wash our souls' offense, And find truest penitence: We beseech thee, Jesus. | That we give to sin no place, That we never quench thy grace, That we ever seek thy face: We beseech thee, Jesus. | That denying evil lust, Living godly, meek, and just, In thee only we may trust: We beseech thee, Jesus. | That to sin for ever dead, We may live to thee instead, And the narrow pathway tread: We beseech thee, Jesus. | When shall end the battle sore, When our pilgrimage is o'er, Grant thy peace for evermore: We beseech thee, Jesus. | |