Acts 9:19-25 |
And Saul was with the disciples which were at Damascus certain days. 20. And by and by he preached Christ, that he was the Son of God. 21. And they were all amazed which heard, and said, Is not this he which at Jerusalem made havock of those who called upon his name, and he [had come] came hither to that end, that he might carry them bound unto the priests? 22. And Saul waxed more strong, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this was Christ. 23. And when many days were past, the Jews took counsel together to put him to death: 24. And their laying in wait was known to Saul. And they kept the gates day and night, that they might slay him: 25. And the disciples having taken him by night, put him down through [by] a wall, and let him down in a basket. |
20. Luke declareth now how fruitful Paul's conversion was, to wit, that he came abroad by and by, 1 and did not only profess that he was a disciple of Christ, but did also set himself against 2 the fury and hatred of the enemies, by defending the gospel stoutly. Therefore, he who of late ran headlong against Christ with furious force, doth now not only submit himself meekly unto his will and pleasure but like a stout standard-bearer fighteth even unto the utmost danger to maintain his glory. Certain it is that he was not so quickly framed by Ananias' industry, 3 but that so soon as he had learned the first principles by man's mouth, he was extolled by God unto higher things afterward. He comprehendeth the sum of his preaching briefly, when he saith that Christ was the Son of God. In the same sense, he saith shortly after that he saw Christ. And understand thus much, that when Paul intreated out of the law and the prophets of the true office of the Messiah, he taught also that all whatsoever was promised of, and was to be hoped for, at the hands of the Messiah, was revealed and given in Christ. For the words signify thus much, when he saith that he preached that Christ is the Son of God. That was undoubtedly a principle amongst the Jews, that there should a Redeemer come from God, who should restore all things to a happy estate. Paul teacheth that Jesus of Nazareth is he, which he cannot do, unless he shake off those gross errors which he had conceived of the earthly kingdom of the Messiah. Certain it is that Paul declared how Christ was promised in the law, and to what end; but because all tended to this end, that he might prove that the son of Mary was he of whom the law and the prophets bare witness, therefore Luke is content with this one word only.
"men put their trust in chariots, and others in horses, but we will call upon the name of the Lord," (Psalm 20:7.)
Finally, whatsoever the Scripture commandeth concerning calling upon the name of God, it agreeth to the person of Christ.
Whence had Paul this victory, save only because the Scripture was his sword? Therefore, so often as heretics stand up to resist the true faith, so often as wicked men endeavor to overthrow all godliness, so often as the ungodly do obstinately resist, let us remember that we must fet [seek] armor hence. Because the Papists find no weapons in Scripture, yea, because they see that it maketh quite against them, they fly into this miserable fortress 7 that they must not dispute with heretics, and that there can no certain thing be set down out of Scripture. But if Satan himself be vanquished with the sword of the word, why shall it not be able to put heretics to flight? not that they will submit themselves, or make an end of murmuring, 8 but because they shall lie overcome in themselves. 9 And if so be it we covet to escape this trouble, let us raise no tumults against God, but let us, with a quiet and meek spirit, receive that peace which the Scripture offereth us.
Furthermore, we see how sweetly these preposterous zealous fellows 12 grant themselves liberty to do whatsoever them lusteth, when Satan hath once pricked them forward to persecute the truth. For they fear not to take counsel, under color of zeal, to put a man to death, which they know is mere wickedness, 13 as at this day the Papists think that they may do whatsoever they will, so they can quench the doctrine of the gospel. They rage not only with sword, but they go about by lying in wait, by treachery, and by most execrable means, to destroy us. We must, first, beware that that do not befall us, that we entangle not ourselves in the defense of evil causes; secondly, that we handle those causes well which we know are good. But it is to be thought that they laid wait for Paul privily; that done, when they could do no good this way, it is likely that they came to the governor of the city, and that then the gates were watched, that they might by one means or other catch him. For Paul saith that Aretas, the king's governor, commanded that which Luke attributeth in this place to the Jews.
1 "Statim prodient in publicum," immediately appeared in public.
2 "Se . . . objecerit," exposed himself to.
3 "Opera Ananiae formatum," formed or trained by the agency of Ananias.
4 "Vim et energiam conjunctam," combined force and energy.
5 "Quasi obruebat," as it were threwn down, overwhelmed.
6 "Ut apud se non essent," that they were out of themselves.
7 "Asylum," asylum.
8 "Obstrependi," brawling, gainsaying.
9 "In seipsis convicti," selfconvicted.
10 "Donec promoveat," until he may further.
11 "Caeco et praecipite impetu," with blind and headlong impulse.
12 "Zelotae," zealots.
13 "Nefarium," nefarious.
14 "Tuti," safe.
15 "Propulset," repel.
16 "Flectandae," bent.
17 "Hoc tirocinio ad crucem ferendam mature assuefactus fuit." He was early trained to bear the cross by this first trial.