LUKE 1:46-50
Luke 1:46-50 |
46. And Mary saith, My soul magnifieth the Lord, 47. And my spirit hath rejoiced1 in God my Savior. 48. Because he hath looked upon the low condition of his handmaid: for from this time all generations shall call me blessed, 49. Because he who is mighty hath done to me wonderful2 things: and holy is his name. 50. And his mercy is from generation to generation to them that fear him. |
Now follows a remarkable and interesting song of the holy virgin, which plainly shows how eminent were her attainments in the grace of the Spirit. There are three clauses in this song. First, Mary offers solemn thanksgiving for that mercy of God which she had experienced in her own person. Next, she celebrates in general terms God's power and judgments. Lastly, she applies these to the matter in hand, treating of the redemption formerly promised, and now granted to the church.
46. My
Let Papists now go, and hold us out as doing injury to the mother of Christ, because we reject the falsehoods of men, and extol in her nothing more than the kindness of God. Nay, what is most of all honorable to her we grant, and those absurd worshippers refuse.8 We cheerfully acknowledge her as our teacher, and obey her instruction and commands. There certainly is no obscurity in what she says here; but the Papists throw it aside, trample it as it were under foot, and do all they can to destroy the credit of her statements9 ? Let us remember that, in praising both men and angels, there is a general rule laid down, to extol in them the grace of God; as nothing is at all worthy of praise which did not proceed from Him.
49. And
The next clause, which celebrates the perpetuity of the Divine mercy, is taken from that solemn form of covenant,
(Genesis 17:7)
and again,
"who keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations," (Deuteronomy 7:9.)
By these words, he not only declares, that he will always be like himself, but expresses the favor which he continues to manifest towards his own people after their death, loving their children, and their children's children, and all their posterity. Thus he followed the posterity of Abraham with uninterrupted kindness; for, having once received their father Abraham into favor, he had made with him "an everlasting covenant."
But as not all who are descended from Abraham according to the flesh are the true children of Abraham, Mary confines the accomplishment of the promise to the true worshippers of God, to
"The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children; to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them,"
(Psalm 103:17,18.)
While God promises that he will be merciful to the children of the saints through all generations, this gives no support to the vain confidence of hypocrites: for falsely and groundlessly do they boast of God as their Father, who are the spurious children of the saints, and have departed from their faith and godliness.10 This exception sets aside the falsehood and arrogance of those who, while they are destitute of faith, are puffed up with false pretenses to the favor of God. A universal covenant of salvation had been made by God with the posterity of Abraham; but, as stones moistened by the rain do not become soft, so the promised righteousness and salvation are prevented from reaching unbelievers through their own hardness of heart. Meanwhile, to maintain the truth and firmness of his, promise, God has preserved "a seed," (Romans 9:29.)
Under the
1 "Exultavit;"--"mon esprit s'est esiouy."
2 "Magnifica."
3 "Car avant que la volonte de 1' homme soit mise en train de louer Dieu, il faut qu'il y ait devant une alaigrete et resiouissance d'esprit."--"For before the will of man is set agoing to praise God, there must be previously a cheerfulness and rejoicing of spirit."
4 " Les Latins, traduisans ce passage du Grec, ont us, du mot d'Humi- lite, lequel les barbares et sots parleurs de Latin, prennent ici comme en Francois, pour une facon de faire contraire a l'arrogance, assavoir quand une personne s'estime rien: mais il se prend autrement, assavoir pour Petitesse; c'est a dire, condition basse et meprisee."--"The Latins, translating this passage from the Greek, have used the word Humility, which barbarians and fools talking Latin take here, as in French, for a manner of acting opposed to pride: but it is taken differently, namely, for Meanness, that is, a low and despicable condition."
5 "En cela nous voyons coment les Papistes accordent mal avec elle, lesquels sans jugement la parent de nouvelles louanges forgees en leurs cerveaux; et cependant ne tiennent quasi conte do tous les biens que'lle a eus de Dieu." -- "In this we see how ill the Papists agree with her, who without judgment adorn her with new praises forged in their own brains; and yet make no account, as it were, of all the benefits which she had from God."
6 "Qui plus est, Satan les a transportez en une telle rage et forcenerie, qui'ls n'ont point eu de honte du luy attributer l'authorite de commander a Christ." -- "What is more, Satan has carried them away to such a rage and fury, that they are not ashamed to attribute to her authority to command Christ."
7 "Roga Patrem, jube Natum."
8 "En ce faisant, nous luy accordons ce qui luy est le plus honorable, en lieu que ces habiles gens, qui la servent a contrepoil, l'en despouillent." -- "In doing this we grant to her what is the most honorable, while those clever people, who serve her the wrong way, take it from her."
9 "Fidem ejus dictis abrogant;"--"dementent la vierge en tant qu'en eux est;"--"as far as lies in them, they make the virgin a liar."
10 " Car c'est a tort et fausses enseignes qu'ils se glorifient d'avoir Dieu pour leur Pere, puis qu'ils sont enfans bastards des saincts, et ont desvoye de leur foy et sainctete."--"For it is improperly and under false colors that they boast of having God for their Father, since they are bastard children of the saints, and have departed from their faith and holiness."