
Lecture Sixty-ninth

In yesterday's Lecture, we could not finish the verse in which Amos says, that the Idumeans and other nations would come under the power of the people of God. As to the first clause there is no ambiguity, but the latter admits of two meanings. Some take its sense to be this, "Other nations on whom my name is called:" and others refer this to the children of Abraham in this way, "That possess the remnants of Edom and all nations they may, upon whom," etc.; that is, that they on whom my name is called, even the descendants of Abraham, may possess the Idumeans and all other nations. If we choose the reference to be made to the chosen people, the order of the words seems to be somewhat broken; and yet this sense is very suitable, -- that possess their enemies the faithful may, on whom my name is called; for the reason appears to be here expressed by the Prophet, why he promised a large kingdom to the Israelites, and that is, because they were enrolled in God's name, the Lord owned them as his people, inasmuch as he had chosen and adopted them in the person of their father Abraham. But if the other view be more approved, then the particle rsa, asher, is not, as I think, a pronoun relative, but an adverb expressing a cause, "That they may possess the remnants of Edom and all nations, for my name shall have been, or shall be, called on them:" 1 for who can have possession of this right or title but those who, having been aliens, shall pass over into the family of Abraham? Israel is indeed said to possess whatever comes from another quarter, and is incorporated into the body of the Church.

But on this point I will not contend; for this main thing is evident to us, -- that the extension of the kingdom under Christ is here promised as though he had said that the Jews were included within narrow bounds, even when the kingdom of David especially flourished, but that God would under Christ extend their borders, and cause them to rule far and wide. What it is to call God's name on a people, we have elsewhere stated. Let us now go on with the context.

1 This sentence is an instance, common in Hebrew, of the use of two pronouns, --a relative and a personal pronoun; to the latter of which is prefixed the preposition. It has already been noticed, that in Welsh the same idiom exists; in that language this line is rendered word for word like the Hebrew: and the true rendering is no doubt that which is mentioned last by Calvin. The Hebrew literally is this, --

Whom shall be called my name upon them.

The same line in Welsh, without any change even in the order of the words, --

Y rhai y gelwir vy enw arnyt.

Another peculiarity is, that the preposition is prefixed and joined to the personal pronoun in Welsh as well as in Hebrew; and a third is, that the relative y rhai (the whom) in Welsh, like rsa in Hebrew, admits of no case. It is the same when a nominative to a verb, or when an accusative governed by it. -- Ed.
