A Psalm of David
1 O Jehovah! hear my prayer; Give ear to my supplication; In thy truth answer me, in thy righteousness.
2 And enter not into judgment with thy servant, For there shall not be justified in thy sight any living man.
3 For persecuted hath the enemy my soul; He hath prostrated on the earth my life; He hath set me in dark places, as the dead of an age.
4 And perplexed within me is my spirit Within me astonished is my heart.
5 I remembered the days of old, I meditated on all thy doings; Upon the work of thy hands I meditated.
6 I spread out my hearts to thee; My soul, as the earth without water, is to thee. Selah.
7 Hasten, answer me, O Jehovah! Fail doth my spirit: Hide not thy face from me, Because I shall be like to those who descend into the pit.
8 Cause me to hear in the morning thy mercy, For in thee have I hoped: Show me the way in which I may walk, For to thee have I lifted up my soul.
9 Deliver me from my enemies, O Jehovah! With thee have I hidden [myself.]
10 Teach me to do thy will, For thou art my God: Let thy good Spirit lead me into the right land.
11 Because of thy name, O Jehovah I thou wilt quicken me: In thy righteousness bring out of trouble my soul.
12 And in thy mercy thou wilt scatter my enemies, And wilt destroy all those who afflict my soul; Because I am thy servant.