
Psalm 26:12

12. My foot hath stood in uprightness: 1 in the congregations will I bless thee, O Jehovah!


This verse may be explained in two ways. Some are of opinion that David declares how carefully he had studied uprightness among men; but I rather think that he celebrates the grace of God towards him, and, at the same time, vows his gratitude. By the use of the metaphor, therefore, he tells us that he was preserved in safety. And as he knew that it was the hand of God alone which enabled him to stand, he therefore addresses himself to the exercise of praise and thanksgiving. Nor does he merely say, that he will acknowledge in private the goodness of God bestowed upon him, but in public also, that the assemblies of God's people may be witnesses of it. It is highly necessary that every one should publicly celebrate his experience of the grace of God, as an example to others to confide in him. 2

1 "C'est, en lieu plain et droict; c'est a dire, seur." -- Fr. marg. "That is, in a plain and straight; that is to say, sure place."

2 "Qu'elle soit celebree publiquement; afin qu'elle serve d'exempleaux autres pour se confermer en Dieu." -- Fr.
