
Chapter 13

1 And David took counsel with the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, even with every commander. 2 And David said to the whole congregation of Israel, If it seem good to you, and it should be prospered by the Lord our God, let us send to our brethren that are left in all the land of Israel, and let the priests the Levites who are with them in the cities of their possession come, and let them be gathered to us. 3 And let us bring over to us the ark of our God; for men have not enquired at it since the days of Saul. 4 And all the congregation said 1that they would do thus; for the saying was right in the eyes of all the people.

5 So David assembled all Israel, from the borders of Egypt even to the entering in of Hemath, to bring in the ark of God from the city of Jarim. 6 And David brought it up: and all Israel went up to the city of David, which belonged to Juda, to bring up thence the ark of the Lord God who sits between the cherubim, whose name is called on it. 7 And they set the ark of God on a new waggon brought out of the house of Aminadab: and Oza and his brethren drove the waggon.

8 And David and all Israel were playing before the Lord with all their might, and that together with singers, and with harps, and with lutes, with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets. 9 And they came as far as the threshing-floor: and Oza put forth his hand to hold the ark, because the bullock moved it from its place. 10 And the Lord was very angry with Oza, and smote him there, because of his stretching forth his hand upon the ark: and he died there before God. 11 And David was dispirited, because the Lord had made a breach on Oza: and he called that place the Breach of Oza until this day. 12 And David feared God that day, saying, How shall I bring the ark of God in to myself? 13 So David brought not the ark home to himself into the city of David, but he turned it aside into the house of Abeddara the Gethite.

14 And the ark of God abode in the house of Abeddara three months: and God blessed Abeddara and all that he had.

Chapter 14

1 And Chiram king of Tyre sent messengers


to David, and cedar timbers, and masons, and carpenters, to build a house for him. 2 And David knew that the Lord had 2designed him to be king over Israel; because his kingdom was 3highly exalted, on account of his people Israel.

3 And David took 4more wives in Jerusalem: and there were born to David more sons and daughters. 4 And these are the names of those that were born, who were born to him in Jerusalem; Samaa, Sobab, Nathan, and Solomon, 5 and Baar, and Elisa, and Eliphaleth, 6 and Nageth, and Naphath, and Japhie, 7 and Elisamae, and Eliade, and Eliphala.

8 And the Philistines heard that David was anointed king over all Israel: and all the Philistines went up to seek David; and David heard it, and went out to meet them. 9 And the Philistines came and assembled together in the giants' valley. 10 And David enquired of God, saying, Shall I go up against the Philistines? and wilt thou deliver them into my hand? And the Lord said to him, Go up, and I will deliver them into thy hands. 11 And he went up to Baal Pharasin, and David smote them there; and David said, God has broken through enemies by my hand like a breach of water: therefore he called the name of that place, the 5Breach of Pharasin. 12 And the Philistines left their gods there; and David 6gave orders to burn them with fire.

13 And the Philistines 7once more assembled themselves in the giants' valley. 14 And David enquired of God again; and God said to him, Thou shalt not go after them; turn away from them, and thou shalt come upon them near the pear trees. 15 And it shall be, when thou shalt hear the sound of their tumult in the tops of the pear trees, then thou shalt go into the battle: for God has gone out before thee to smite the army of the Philistines. 16 And he did as God commanded him: and he smote the army of the Philistines from Gabaon to Gazera. 17 And the name of David was famous in all the land; and the Lord 8put the terror of him on all the nations.

1 Gr. on account of or concerning.

2 Gr. prepared.

3 Gr. increased to height.

4 Gr. yet wives.

5 A singular transposition.

6 Gr. told or spoke.

7 Gr. added yet and--

8 Gr. gave.


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