"Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won"
                      by Christian F. Gellert, 1715-1769
                    Translated by Frances E. Cox, 1812-1897
                                  Text From:
               (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942) p.152

        1. Jesus lives! The victory's won!
        Death no longer can appal me;
        Jesus lives! Death's reign is done!
        From the grave Christ will recall me.
        Brighter scenes will then commence;
        This shall be my confidence.
        2. Jesus lives! To Him the throne
        High o'er heaven and earth is given.
        I shall go where He is gone,
        Live and reign with Him in heaven.
        God is faithful. Doubtings, hence!
        This shall be my confidence.
        3. Jesus lives! For me He died,
        Hence will I, to Jesus living,
        Pure in heart and act abide,
        Praise to Him and glory giving.
        Freely God doth aid dispense;
        This shall be my confidence.
        4. Jesus lives! I know full well
        Naught from me His love shall sever;
        Life nor death nor powers of hell
        Part me now from Christ forever.
        God will be a sure Defense;
        This shall be my confidence.
        5. Jesus lives! and now is death
        But the gate of life immortal;
        This shall calm my trembling breath
        When I pass its gloomy portal.
        Faith shall cry, as fails each sense,
        Jesus is my confidence!
Notes from _The Lutheran Hymnal_ Hymn #201 Text: Rom. 8:11 Author: Christian F. Gellert, 1757, ab. Translated by: Frances E. Cox, 1841, alt. Titled: "Jesus lebt, mit ihm auch ich" Composer: Johann Crueger, 1656 Tune: "Jesus, meine Zuversicht"
This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg by Cindy A. Beesley and is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary. E-mail: bob_smith@ctsfw.edu
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