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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter I.—The Lord acknowledged but one God and Father. 1. Since, therefore, this is sure and stedfast, that no other God or Lord was announced by the Spirit, except Him who, as God, rules over all,…

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter X.—The Old Testament Scriptures, and those written by Moses in particular, do everywhere make mention of the Son of God, and foretell His advent and passion.

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXV.—Both covenants were prefigured in Abraham, and in the labour of Tamar; there was, however, but one and the same God to each covenant.…

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Against Heresies: Book II by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXVII.—Proper mode of interpreting parables and obscure passages of Scripture. 1. A sound mind, and one which does not expose its possessor to danger,…

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XI.—Treats upon the actions of carnal and of spiritual persons; also, that the spiritual cleansing is not to be referred to the substance of our bodies, but to the manner of our former life.

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XX.—Those pastors are to be heard to whom the apostles committed the Churches, possessing one and the same doctrine of salvation; the heretics, on the other hand, are to be avoided.

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XIX.—A comparison is instituted between the disobedient and sinning Eve and the Virgin Mary, her patroness. Various and discordant heresies are mentioned.

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter IV.—Those persons are deceived who feign another God the Father besides the Creator of the world; for he must have been feeble and useless, or else malignant and full of envy,…

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Against Heresies: Book V by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXVII.—The future judgment by Christ. Communion with and separation from the divine being. The eternal punishment of unbelievers. 1. If the Father, then, does not exercise judgment,…

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Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenæus by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

XIV. How From the Contemplations of Anastasius Sinaita, who flourished a.d. 685.…

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