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Psalm 94

God the Avenger of the Righteous


O L ord, you God of vengeance,

you God of vengeance, shine forth!


Rise up, O judge of the earth;

give to the proud what they deserve!


O L ord, how long shall the wicked,

how long shall the wicked exult?



They pour out their arrogant words;

all the evildoers boast.


They crush your people, O L ord,

and afflict your heritage.


They kill the widow and the stranger,

they murder the orphan,


and they say, “The L ord does not see;

the God of Jacob does not perceive.”



Understand, O dullest of the people;

fools, when will you be wise?


He who planted the ear, does he not hear?

He who formed the eye, does he not see?


He who disciplines the nations,

he who teaches knowledge to humankind,

does he not chastise?


The L ord knows our thoughts,

that they are but an empty breath.



Happy are those whom you discipline, O L ord,

and whom you teach out of your law,


giving them respite from days of trouble,

until a pit is dug for the wicked.


For the L ord will not forsake his people;

he will not abandon his heritage;


for justice will return to the righteous,

and all the upright in heart will follow it.



Who rises up for me against the wicked?

Who stands up for me against evildoers?


If the L ord had not been my help,

my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence.


When I thought, “My foot is slipping,”

your steadfast love, O L ord, held me up.


When the cares of my heart are many,

your consolations cheer my soul.


Can wicked rulers be allied with you,

those who contrive mischief by statute?


They band together against the life of the righteous,

and condemn the innocent to death.


But the L ord has become my stronghold,

and my God the rock of my refuge.


He will repay them for their iniquity

and wipe them out for their wickedness;

the L ord our God will wipe them out.

7. And they have said, God shall not see When the Psalmist speaks of the wicked as taunting God with blindness and ignorance, we are not to conceive of them as just exactly entertaining this imagination of him in their hearts, but they despise his judgments as much as if he took no cognisance of human affairs. Were the truth graven upon men’s hearts that they cannot elude the eye of God, this would serve as a check and restraint upon their conduct. When they proceed to such audacity in wickedness as to lay the hand of violence upon their fellow-creatures, to rob, and to destroy, it shows that they have fallen into a state of brutish security in which they virtually consider themselves as concealed from the view of the Almighty. This security sufficiently proves at least, that they act as if they never expected to be called to an account for their conduct. 2020     “Et certes une asseurance tant lourde monstre qu’ils pechent tout ainsi comme s’ils ne devoyent jamais estre appelez, rendre raison de leur vie.” — Fr. Though they may not then be guilty of the gross blasphemy of asserting in so many words that God is ignorant of what goes forward in the world, a mere nothing in the universe — the Psalmist very properly charges them with denying God’s providential government, and, indeed, avowedly stripping him of the power and function of judge and governor, since, if they really were persuaded as they ought of his superintending providence, they would honor him by feeling a reverential fear — as I have elsewhere observed at greater length. He intends to express the lowest and most abandoned stage of depravity, in which the sinner casts off the fear of God, and rushes into every excess. Such infatuated conduct would have been inexcusable even in heathens, who had never heard of a divine revelation; but it was monstrous in men who had been brought up from infancy in the knowledge of the word, to show such mockery and contempt of God.

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