How can you help?
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) makes important Christian literature available to millions of users a year across 120 countries. The Library could not survive without the support of so many generous Christians. There are many ways you can support this mission.
- Online, through our donation page.
- By check to CCEL and mailed to Christian Classics Ethereal Library · 3201 Burton SE · Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Please indicate if you would like Calvin University to contact you regarding other donor opportunities.
- If you have questions regarding donations, please contact Nyna Sykes.
Volunteer some of your time:
The Volunteer Discussion Groups are the best place to obtain information about volunteering at CCEL. In addition, we've listed brief summaries of volunteer tasks below.Proofread and correct a page of a book as you read.
Add subject tags to book sections (a few seconds each).
Add a picture for our author pages.
Help prepare a book for installation in our system (long term project, 2-20+ hours).
Anyone with important public domain electronic texts in Greek, Hebrew or Latin should contact Us. Better still, if you know one of those languages, you could help by typing in a text.
- Help with adding page break tags to CCEL books --an easy way to start learning XML (1-4 hours for most books).