The author, feeling grateful to a generous public for the very liberal patronage which they have given the former editions of the Southern Harmony, has endeavoured to remedy the only deficiency which he has heard mentioned, by adding a large number of good tunes for church use, together with several excellent new pieces never before published, which has enlarged the work about forty pages, and makes it one of the largest Music Books ever offered at the same price. Therefore he hopes to secure that continued and increased patronage which it may merit from those who love the Songs of Zion.

William Walker

Spartanburg, S.C., January, 1847.


Since the Southern Harmony was first published, many of the tunes having gone out of use, the Author determined to revise the work, and leave out those pieces, and supply their places with good new tunes, which have been selected for their intrinsic worth, and great popularity, and highly devotional character. He has also enlarged the work with thirty-two pages of excellent music, many of the tunes being suitable for revival occasions. All of which he hopes will be found entirely satisfactory to the many friends and patrons of the Southern Harmony.

The Author now tenders his grateful thanks to a generous and enlightened public for the very flattering manner in which the former editions of this work have been received, and hopes that this revised edition may be duly appreciated, and the demand for it increase as its merits may deserve.

William Walker

Spartansburg, S.C., July, 1854.


The compiler of this work, having been solicited for several years by his brother teachers, pupils, and other friends, to publish a work of this kind, has consented to yield to their solicitations.

In treating upon the rudiments of Music, I have endeavoured to lead the pupil on step by step, from A, B, C, in the gamut, to the more abstruse parts of this delightful science, having inserted the gamut as it should be learned, in a pleasing conversation between the pupil and the teacher.

In selecting Tunes, Hymns, and Anthems, I have endeavoured to gratify the taste of all, and supply the churches with a number of good, plain tunes, suited to the various metres contained in their different Hymn Books.

While those that are fond of fugued tunes have not been neglected, I have endeavoured to make this book a complete Musical Companion for the aged as well as the youth. Those that are partial to ancient music, will find here some good old acquaintences which will cause them to remember with pleasure the scenes of life that are past and gone; while my youthful companions, who are more fond of modern music, I hope will find a sufficient number of new tunes to satisfy them, as I have spared no pains in trying to select such tunes as would meed the wishes of the public.

I have also selected a number of excellent new Songs, and printed them under the tunes, which I hope will be found satisfactory.

Some object to new publications of music, because the compilers alter the tunes. I have endeavoured to select the tunes from original authors. Where this could not be done, and the tune having six or seven basses and trebles, I have selected those I thought most consistent with the rules of composition.

I have composed the parts to a great many good airs, (which I could not find in any publication, nor in manuscript,) and assigned my name as the author. I have also composed several tunes wholly, and inserted them in this work, which also bear my name.

The compiler now commends this work to the public, praying God that it may be a means of advancing this important and delightful science, and of cheering the weary pilgrim on his way to the celestial city above.

William Walker

Spartansburg, S.C., September, 1835.

The Gamut, or Rudiments of Music
