Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Smith, Hannah Whitall (1832-1911)

Quaker Holiness author


Works by Hannah Whitall Smith

Christian's Secret of a Happy Life

Description: Sometimes it just feels like life is beating us up. We worry about our family, our health, our money, our time, and in the process we run ourselves ragged. These stressors are not a recent phenomenon, but have been with humanity since the fall. Even though The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life is over 130 years old, author Hannah Whitehall Smith was aware of the age-old problems that plague humanity. In her studies, she discovered that there is a way to handle the stressors in our life in a healthy way that builds us up instead of tearing us down. That way of dealing with life's trials is through living faithfully in the rest and comfort that Jesus offers us. True happiness does not come from an absence of difficulty, but through the loving embrace of our Savior.

Andrew Hanson
CCEL Intern

God of All Comfort

Description: Comfort is a word seldom associated with religious faith by those who are not Christians. Doesn’t religion make people uncomfortable with its demands? Isn’t life more comfortable when we just live the way we want? Who needs to worry about a judgmental God watching our every move? Even the word Jesus is enough to cause people to squirm in their seats.

However, for many Christians the words Jesus and comfort are inextricably linked. In her classic work, God of All Comfort, Hannah Whitall Smith describes why faith in the Christian God leads to a comfort and joy that cannot be found elsewhere. Without Christ, life is little more than living through doubt, fear, and anxiety. In her inspirational work, Smith reminds the reader of the reality of God’s promises to his people. With Christ, doubt, fear, and anxiety are obsolete feelings.

Andrew Hanson
CCEL Intern

Old Testament Types and Teachings

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Calvin College. Last modified on 10/17/18. Contact the CCEL.
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