Church of England; b. at Dublin Mar. 9, 1836; d. in London Mar. 22, 1909. He was educated at
Trinity College, Dublin (B.A., 1857; M.A., 1859), and was ordered deacon in 1859 and ordained priest in the following year. He was curate of Middleton-Tyas, Yorkshire, in 1859-63, chaplain of the English church at Dresden in 1863-68, chaplain of Holy Trinity, Boulogne-sur-Mer, in 1868-73, incumbent of St. Mary's, Dublin, in 1874-85, and of Bethesda Church in the same city in 1885-91, and vicar of St. John's, Liverpool, in 1891-98. After 1898 he was clerical superintendent of the Protestant Reformation Society. He was also Bampton Lecturer at Oxford in 1878, Donellan Lecturer at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1880-81, and Grinfeld Lecturer on the Septuagint at Oxford in 1893-97, besides being examiner in Hebrew at different times to the universities of Oxford, London, Manchester,
and Wales. In theology he described himself as "evangelical and conservative, but quite willing to adopt opinions based on real evidence and not on mere conjectures or hypotheses of scholars however eminent."
He wrote or edited
A Grammar of the Modern Irish Language (Dublin, 1855);
The Book of Genesis in Hebrew (London, 1859);
The Book of Ruth in Hebrew (1864);
Bunyan's Allegorical and Select Poetical Works (1866);
The Fatherhood of God, and its Relation to the Person and Work of Christ, and the Operations of the Holy Spirit (Edinburgh, 1867);
Zechariah and his Prophecies Considered in Relation to Modern Criticism (Bampton lectures; London, 1879);
The Book of Koheleth, commonly called Ecclesiastes, Considered in Relation to Modern Criticism
and to the Doctrines of Modern Pessimism(Donellan lectures; 1883);
Biblical Essays (Edinburgh, 1886);
The Writings of St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland (London, 1887);
Introduction to the Old Testament (1890);
The Bible Readers' Manual; or, Aids to Biblical Study (1895);
The Service of the Mass in the Greek and Roman Churches (1898);
Roman Catholicism: or, The Doctrines of the Church of Rome briefly examined in the Light of Scripture (1896; 4th ed., 1909);
The Intermediate State and Prayers for the Dead examined in the Light of Scripture and Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature (1900);
The Statutory Prayer Book (in collaboration with J. J. Tomlinson; 1902);
A Protestant Dictionary (edited in collaboration with C. Neil; 1904);
The Book of Isaiah, and other Historical Essays (1905);
Daniel and his Prophecies (1906);
Daniel and its Critics (1906); and
Light from Egyptian Papyri on Jewish Hist. before Christ (1908).
Congregationalist; b. at Whitehall, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1838. He was graduated from Oberlin College, Oberlin, 0.(A.B., 1859), and Oberlin Theological Seminary (1862), after serving for five months as a private in the Union Army in 1861; held pastorates at Bakersfield, Vt. (1862-72), and Andover, Mass. (1872-1881); after which he was professor of New-Testament language and literature in Oberlin Theological Seminary (1881-92). Since 1892 he has been professor of the harmony of science and revelation in the same institution. He was also an assistant in the Pennsylvania Geological Survey in 1881-82, and in the United States Geological Survey in 1884-92. Since 1884 he has been editor of the
Bibliotheca Sacra, and in addition to briefer contributions, many of them devoted to establishing the harmony of geological discoveries with the accounts of the Bible, has written
Logic of Christian Evidences (Andover, 1880);
Studies in Science and Religion (1882);
An Inquiry concerning the Relation of Death to Probation (Boston, 1882);
The Divine Authority of the Bible (1884);
The Glacial Boundary in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky (Cleveland, 0., 1884);
The Ice Age in North America, and its Bearings upon the Antiquity of Man (New York, 1889; 5th ed., 1911);
Charles Grandison Finney (Boston, 1891);
Man and the Glacial Period (New York, 1892);
Greenland Icefields and Life in the North Atlantic (1896);
Scientific Aspects of Christian Evidences (1898);
Asiatic Russia (1902); and
Scientific Confirmations of Old Testament History (Oberlin, 0., 1907).