
REMIGIUS, re-mij'�-us, OF AUXERRE: Medieval scholar; b. in Burgundy before 850; d. about 908. He entered the Benedictine order at the monastery of St. Germanus at Auxerre, where he studied under the famous Heiricus; was called, about 882, by Archbishop Fulco to Reims to reorganize with Hucbald the two schools located there; and after the archbishop's death (900) taught at Paris the liberal arts and probably theology, counting as one of his scholars Odo of Cluny. Besides his commentary on the work of Marcianua Capella (on book IX., MPL, cxxxi. 931 sqq.) on the seven liberal arts, and his glosses on the works of Donatus and Prisciauus (the fruit of his teaching of grammar, dialectic, and music, and widely used in the Middle Ages), were his commentaries on Genesis (MPL, cxxxi. 51 sqq.), Psalms (pp. 133 sqq.), Canticles (cxvii. 295 sqq.), Minor Prophets (pp. 9 sqq.), Epistles of Paul (pp. 361 sqq.), Revelation (pp. 937 sqq.), Matthew, and Mark; homilies on texts from Matthew (twelve in MPL, cxxxi. 865 sqq.); and De celebratione miss� et ejus significatione (ib., ci. 1246 sqq., under the name of Alcuin), a treatise on the mass, following the view of Paschasius Radbertus (q.v.).



BIBLIOGRAPHY: Hist. litt�raire de la France, vi. 99 sqq.; A. Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur dea Mittelalters, iii. 234, Leipsic, 1887; Ceillier, Auteura sacr�s, xii. 753-780; NA, 1901, p. 583.

REMIGIUS OF LYONS: Archbishop of that city; d. there Oct. 28, 875. Nothing is known of him prior to his elevation to the episcopate on Mar. 31, 852. He played a prominent part in French ecclesiastical history. He was Archicapellanus (q.v.) from 855 to 863, which was a position of great influence. He figures among the leading members of several synods, indeed presided over the Synod of Valence in 855. He participated in the predestination controversy which had been precipitated on the church by the unhappy monk Gottschalk (q.v.), whom, like some other leaders, he defended. This brought him up against the still more powerful Hincmar, who, in the Synod of Chiersy held in 853, got the endorsement of his four chapters on predestination. But these the synod of Valence refused to ratify and, on the contrary, passed six canons (Hefele, Conciliengeschichte, iv. 193 sqq.) against Hincmar's position, and they were reaffirmed by the Synod of Langres in 859, which was proof of Remigius' influence. In the national Synod of Savoni�res which immediately followed Remigius presented these canons to Charles the Bald.

Remigius was an able and faithful prelate. When he came into his rule he found that certain sources of revenue which he thought properly belonged to his diocese had been taken from it. He set about regaining this lost revenue and brilliantly succeeded. For these and other services his grateful people canonized him. Various writings have been attributed to him, but he does not seem to have been a writer and the attributions are probably false.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bouquet, Receuil, viii. 388 sqq.; Ceillier, Auteurs sacr�s, xii. 614 sqq.; ASB, Oct., xii. 878 sqq.; Hist. litt�raire de la France, v. 449 sqq.


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