KRAUSS, SAMUEL: Hungarian Jewish scholar; b. at Ukk, county of Zala, Feb. 18, 1866. He studied at the rabbinical seminary at Budapest and the university of the same city (1884-89), then in Berlin, taking the degree of Ph.D. at Giessen in 1893 and receiving the rabbinical diploma from the seminary at Budapest in 1894. In 1894 he became professor of Hebrew at the rabbinical seminary at Budapest, and in 1906 professor at the similar institution in Vienna. He was the managing editor of the Hungarian translation of the Bible made by him in collaboration with W. Bacher and J. B�n�czi. In theology he is a progressive conservative. Besides a Hungarian translation of the Talmudic tractate Derekh Erez (Budapest, 1895), he has prepared a Hebrew commentary on Isaiah (Zhitomir, 1904) and written Rendszeres Zsid� Vall�s es Erk�lcstan (a manual of systematic instruction in the Jewish religion; Budapest, 1895); Griechische und lateinische Lehnw�rter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum (2 vols., Berlin 1898-99); David Kaufmann, Biographie (1901); Das Leben Jesu nach j�dischen Quellen (1902); and Bad und Badewesen im Talmud (Frankfort, 1908).
KRAUTH, CHARLES PORTERFIELD: One of the most prominent theologians of the English Lutheran Church in America; b. in Martinsburg, Va., Mar. 17, 1823; d. in Philadelphia Jan. 2, 1883. At the age of ten he came to Gettysburg, where his father, the Rev. Charles Philip Krauth, was president of Pennsylvania college and afterward professor in the theological seminary of the General Synod. He was graduated from Pennsylvania College in 1839 and in 1841, having finished his theological course in the seminary, he took charge of a mission
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Dr. Krauth's eminent gifts and comprehensive scholarship were readily appreciated beyond the limits of his own church. Soon after he became professor in the theological seminary he was elected a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1868 he was appointed professor of mental and moral philosophy in that institution. In 1873 he was made vice-provost, and during a long vacancy performed all the duties of the provost. In 1881, in addition to his other duties, he undertook the department of history at the University of Pennsylvania. He was a member of the American Committe for the Revision of the English Version of the Bible, and was assigned to the Old-Testament company. His literary activity covers the field of philosophy as well as that of theology. Among his more important publications may be mentioned: An English translation of Tholuck's commentary on the Gospel of St. John (Philadelphia, 1859); a new edition of W. Fleming's Vocabulary of Philosophy (1860; in enlarged form 1875); an English translation of the Augsburg Confession, with introduction and annotations (1868); The Conservative Reformation and its Theology (1872), his principal work, in which he collected the most valuable of his essays and treatises; and a new edition of Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge, with introduction and annotations (1874). At the request of the ministerium of Pennsylvania he had undertaken an extended English biography of Martin Luther for the Luther jubilee of 1883, but did not live to complete this work.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: A. Spaeth, Charles Porterfield Krauth, vol. i., New York, 1898; B. M. Schmucker, in Lutheran Church Review, July, 1883; American Church History Series, iv. 416 sqq., et passim, New York, 1893.
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