JOHNSON, HERRICK: Presbyterian; b. at Kaughnewaga, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1832. He was graduated at Hamilton College in 1857 and at Auburn Theological Seminary in 1860. After being associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., in 1860-62, he was pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, Pa., in 1862-67 and the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, in 1868-73. He was then professor of homiletics and pastoral theology in Auburn Theological Seminary from 1874 to 1880, after which he was pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, until 1883. He taught sacred rhetoric and pastoral theology in McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 1880-1906. He was president of the Presbyterian Board of Ministerial Education in 1869-73 and of the Presbyterian Board of Aid for Colleges and Academies in 1883-1903, moderator of the General Assembly at Springfield, Ill., in 1882, and a member of the Presbyterian Board of Publication in 1868-73, and of two committees of the Presbyterian Church for the revision of the Confession of Faith in 1890 and 1900. In theology he is a liberal conservative, describing himself as "a thorough believer in both the doctrines and polity of the Presbyterian Church, as warranted by the Word of God and represented in the Presbyterian Confession of Faith and form of government." He has written: Christianity's Challenge (Chicago, 1880); Plain Talks about the Theatre (1882); Revivals, their Place and Power (1883); Presbyterian Bulwarks (New York, 1887); Presbyterian Book of Forms (Philadelphia, 1889); From Love to Praise (1903); and Ideal Ministry (1908).
JOHNSON, JOSEPH HORSFALL: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Los Angeles; b. at Schenectady, N. Y., June 7, 1847. He was educated at Williams College (A.B., 1870) and General Theological Seminary, from which he was graduated in 1873. He was ordered deacon in the same year and advanced to the priesthood in 1874. He was minister, curate, and rector of Holy Trinity, Highland, N. Y., in 1873-79, and rector of Trinity, Bristol, R. I., in 1879,81, St. Peter's, Westchester, N. Y., in 1881-86, and Christ Church, Detroit, Mich., in 1886-96. In the latter year he was consecrated bishop of Los Angeles.
1. First president of King's College, now Columbia University; b. at Guilford, Conn., Oct. 14, 1696; d. at Stratford, Conn., Jan. 6, 1772. He studied at Yale College (M.A., 1714), and became a tutor there in 1716, on the removal of the college from Saybrook to New Haven. He was ordained pastor of a Congregational church at West Haven in 1720, but became a convert to episcopacy in 1722, and was reordained in England in 1723. On his return to Connecticut he was assigned to the mission at Stratford, where he remained till 1754. Thereupon he was president of King's College, New York, till 1763, when he resigned this position and returned to Stratford. In 1764 he was reappointed to his old charge, which he retained till his death. He formed a close friendship with Bishop George Berkeley (q.v.) during the latter's visit to America, and accepted his teaching. For many years his pen was particularly active in the defense of episcopacy, an unpopular cause in the colonies, and his adoption of it created a profound sensation. He engaged in long controversies with Jonathan Dickinson, Thomas Foxcroft, and John Graham. His principal works are: A Letter from a Minister of the Church of England to his Dissenting Parishioners (New York, 1733); A Second Letter (Boston, 1734); A Third Letter (1737); A System of Morality (1746; 3d ed., London, 1754), which was published by Benjamin Franklin under the title Elementa Philosophica (Philadelphia, 1752); and An English and Hebrew Grammar (London, 1767).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. B. Chandler, The Life of S. Johnson . . . First President of King's College, New York, 1805; W. B. Sprague, Annals of the American Pulpit, v. 52-61, ib. 1859; I. W. Riley, American Philosophy; the Early Schools, pp. 63-126, New York, 1907.
2. Independent clergyman and reformer; b. at Salem, Mass., Oct. 10, 1822; d. at North Andover, Mass., Feb. 19, 1882. He was graduated from Harvard in 1842 and from the Harvard Divinity School in 1846. He entered the ministry without ordination and never associated himself with any denomination, though in his views he was closely related to the Unitarians. His first charge was the Unitarian Church at Dorchester, where he remained one year. From 1851 till 1870 he was pastor of the Free Church at Lynn. He took a prominent part in the antislavery agitation. His principal publications are: A Book of Hymns (Boston, 1846), in collaboration with Samuel Longfellow; The Worship of Jesus (1868); and Oriental Religions, and their Relation to Universal Religion: India (1872), China (1877), Persia (1885). Samuel Longfellow collected his Lectures, Essays, and Sermons (1883), to which he prefixed a Memoir.
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