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B. W. Johnson
The New Testament Commentary: Vol. III--John (1886)


Annunciation to Zacharias. October, 6 B.C.
Annunciation to Mary. April, 5 "
Mary visits Elizabeth, and remains three months. April-June, 5 "
Birth of John the Baptist. June, 5 "
Jesus Born at Bethlehem. December, 5 "
The angel and the shepherds. " 5 "
Presentation of Jesus. February, 4 "
Coming of the Magi. " 4 "
Flight of Jesus into Egypt. " 4 "
Return to Nazareth and sojourn there. May, 4 "
Jesus, at twelve years of age, attends the Passover. April, 8 A. D.
John the Baptist begins his labors. Summer, 26 "
Baptism of Jesus. January, 27 "
Jesus tempted in the Wilderness. Jan.-Feb., 27 "
Deputation of priests and Levites to the Baptist. February, 27 "
Jesus returns to Galilee. " 27 "
Wedding at Cana of Galilee. " 27 "
First passover of Jesus' ministry; cleansing of Temple. April, 27 "
Jesus begins to baptize (by his disciples). May, 27 "
Jesus departs into Galilee, through Samaria. December, 27 "
A few weeks spent by Jesus in retirement. Jan.-Apr., 28 "
The Baptist Imprisoned. March, 28 "
The second passover; healing of impotent man. April, 28 "
Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee. April-May, 28 "
Calling of the four disciples, and healings at Capernaum. " 28 "
First circuit in Galilee: healing of the leper. May, 28 "
Return to Capernaum, and healing of the paralytic. Summer, 28 "
Plucking the corn, and healing the man with withered hand. " 28 "
Choice of apostles, and Sermon on the Mount. " 28 "
Healing of centurion's servant at Capernaum. " 28 "
Journey to Nain, and raising of the widow's son. " 28 "
Message to Jesus of the Baptist. " 28 "
Jesus anointed by the woman, a sinner. Autumn, 28 "
Healing at Capernaum of the blind and dumb possessed; charge of the Pharisees that He cast out devils by Beelzebub. " 28 "
Teaching in Parables, and stilling of the tempest. " 28 "
Healing of demoniacs in Gergessa, and return to Capernaum. " 28 "
Matthew's feast, healing of woman with issue of blood, and raising of Jairus' daughter. " 28 "
Healing of two blind men, and a dumb possessed; Pharisees Blaspheme. " 28 "
Second visit to Nazareth; sending of the twelve. Winter, 29 "
Death of the Baptist; Jesus returns to Capernaum. " 29 "
Crossing of the Sea, and feeding of the five thousand; return to Capernaum. Spring, 29 "
Discourse at Capernaum respecting the bread of life. April, 29 "
Jesus visits the coasts of Tyre and Sidon; heals the daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman; visits the region of Decapolis; heals one with an impediment in his speech; feeds the 4,000. Summer, 29 "
Jesus returns to Capernaum; is tempted by the Pharisees; reproves their hypocrisy; again crosses the sea; heals blind man at Bethsaida. " 29 "
Peter's confession that he is the Christ: the transfiguration. " 29 "
Healing of lunatic child. " 29 "
Jesus journeys through Galilee, teaching the disciples; at Capernaum pays the tribute money; goes up to the feast of tabernacles. Autumn, 29 "
He teaches in the temple; efforts to arrest him. October, 29 "
An adulteress is brought before him; attempt to stone him; healing of a man blind from birth; return to Galilee. " 29 "
Final departure from Galilee; is rejected at Samaria; sending of the seventy. November, 29 "
Jesus is attended by great multitudes; parable of the good Samaritan. " 29 "
Healing of a dumb possessed man; renewed blasphemy of the Pharisees; dining with a Pharisee, Jesus rebukes hypocrisy; parable of the rich fool. Nov.-Dec., 29 "
Jesus is told of the murder of the Galileans by Pilate; parable of the fig-tree; healing of a woman eighteen years sick. " 29 "
Feast of Dedication; visit to Mary and Martha: the Jews at Jerusalem attempt to stone him; he goes beyond Jordan. December, 29 "
Jesus dines with a Pharisee, and heals a man with dropsy; parables of the great supper, of the lost sheep, of the lost piece of silver, of the unjust steward, of the rich man and Lazarus. " 29 "
Resurrection of Lazarus; counsel of the Jews to put him to death; he retires to Ephraim. Jan.-Feb., 30 "
Sojourn in Ephraim till passover at hand; journeys on the border of Samaria and Galilee; healing of ten lepers; parables of the unjust judge, and of Pharisee and publican; teaching respecting divorce; blessing of children; the young ruler, and parable of laborers in the vineyard. Feb.-Mar., 30 "
Jesus again announces his death; ambition of James and John. March, 30 "
Healing of blind men at Jericho; Zaccheus; parable of the pounds; departure to Bethany. " 30 "
Supper at Bethany and anointing of Jesus by Mary. Sat., Apr. 1, 30 "
Entry into Jerusalem; visit to the temple, and return to Bethany. Sun.,   "   2. 30 "
Cursing of the fig-tree; second purification of the temple; return to Bethany. Mon.,   "   3. 30 "
Teaching in the temple; parables of the two sons; of the wicked husbandmen; of the king's son; attempts of his enemies to entangle him; the poor widow; the Greeks who desire to see him; a voice heard from heaven, departure from the temple to the Mount of Olives; discourse respecting the end of the world; return to Bethany; agreement of Judas with the priests to betray him.. Tues,   "   4, 30 "
Jesus seeks retirement at Bethany. Wed.,   "   5, 30 "
Sending of Peter and John to prepare the passover; the paschal supper. Thurs.   "   6, 30 "
Events at paschal supper. Thur. eve., Apr. 6, 30 "
After supper Jesus foretells the denials of Peter, speaks of the coming of the Comforter, and ends with prayer. Thur. eve., Apr. 6, 30 "
Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. Thur. eve., Apr. 6, 30 "
Jesus is given Into the hands of Judas. Thur. mid-n't, Apr. 6, 30 "
Jesus is led to the house of Annas, and thence to the palace of Caiaphas; is condemned for blasphemy. Fri. 1-5 A.M. Apr. 7, 30 "
Mockeries of his enemies: he is brought the second time before the council, and thence taken before Pilate. Fri. 5-6 A.M., Apr. 7, 30 "
Charge of sedition; Pilate attempts to release him, but is forced to scourge him and give him up to be crucified. Fri. 6-9 A.M. Apr. 7, 30 "
Jesus is crucified at Golgotha. Fri. 9-12 A.M. Apr. 7, 30 "
Upon the cross is reviled by his enemies; commends his mother to John; darkness covers the land; he dies; the earth shakes, and rocks are rent. Fri. 12 M., 3 P.M., Apr. 7, 30 "
His body taken down and given to Joseph, and laid in his sepulchre. Fri. 3-6 P.M., Apr. 7, 30 "
Resurrection of Jesus, and appearance to Mary Magdalene. Sun. A.M., Apr. 9, 30 "
Appearance to the two disciples at Emmaus; to Peter and to the eleven at Jerusalem. Sun. P.M., Apr. 9, 30 "
Appearance to the apostles and Thomas. Sun. Apr. 16, 30 "
Appearance to seven disciples at Sea of Tiberias, and to 500 at mountain in Galilee. Apr.-May, 30 "
Final appearance to the disciples at Jerusalem, and ascension to heaven. Thur., May 18, 30 "

[NTC3 325-326]

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B. W. Johnson
The New Testament Commentary: Vol. III--John (1886)

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