Day 38: Friday
The 23d Psalm
The God of love my shepherd is, And He that does me feed: While He is mine, and I am His, What can I want or need?
He leads me to the tender grass, Where I both feed and rest; Then to the streams that gently pass: In both I have the best.
Yea, in death's shady black abode Well may I walk, not fear: For You are with me; and Your rod To guide, Your staff to bear.
Nay, you do make me sit and dine, Ev’n in my enemies' sight: My head with oil, my cup with wine Runs over day and night.
Surely Your sweet and wondrous love Shall measure all my days; And as it never shall remove, So neither shall my praise.
Note: Background music is "Crimond." Usually the words are from the Scottish Psalter. The words sometimes used in the hymn are John Wesley's adaptation of George Herbert's "The 23d Psalme."
A composition "University," possibly written by John Randall (1715-99), uses Herbert's translation of Psalm 23.
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