Table of Contents
John of Damascus: Exposition of the Orthodox Faith.
An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith.
Concerning things utterable and things unutterable, and things knowable and thing unknowable.
Concerning the nature of Deity: that it is incomprehensible.
Proof that God is one and not many.
Concerning the Word and the Son of God: a reasoned proof.
Concerning the Holy Spirit, a reasoned proof.
Concerning what is affirmed about God.
Concerning divine union and separation.
Concerning what is affirmed about God as though He had body.
Concerning the place of God: and that the Deity alone is uncircumscribed.
Concerning the devil and demons.
Concerning the visible creation.
Concerning light, fire, the luminaries, sun, moon and stars.
Concerning earth and its products.
Concerning Conception and Articulation.
Concerning Passion and Energy.
Concerning what is Voluntary and what is Involuntary.
Concerning what is in our own power, that is, concerning Free-will.
Concerning the reason of our endowment with Free-will.
Concerning the Divine Œconomy and God's care over us, and concerning our salvation.
Concerning the manner in which the Word was conceived, and concerning His divine incarnation.
Concerning Christ's two natures, in opposition to those who hold that He has only one.
Concerning the manner of the Mutual Communication.
Concerning the number of the Natures.
Concerning the one compound subsistence of God the Word.
In reply to the question whether there is Nature that has no Subsistence.
Concerning the Trisagium (“the Thrice Holy”).
That the holy Virgin is the Mother of God: an argument directed against the Nestorians.
Concerning the properties of the two Natures.
Concerning the volitions and free-will of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Concerning the energies in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Concerning the deification of the nature of our Lord's flesh and of His will.
Further concerning volitions and free-wills: minds, too, and knowledges and wisdoms.
Concerning the theandric energy.
Concerning the natural and innocent passions.
Concerning ignorance and servitude.
Concerning our Lord's Praying.
Concerning the Passion of our Lord's body, and the Impassibility of His divinity.
Concerning what followed the Resurrection.
Concerning the sitting at the right hand of the Father.
In reply to those who ask if Christ's subsistence is create or uncreate.
Concerning the question, when Christ was called.
How the Only-begotten Son of God is called first-born.
Concerning the Cross and here further concerning Faith.
Concerning Worship towards the East.
Concerning the holy and immaculate Mysteries of the Lord.
Concerning our Lord's genealogy and concerning the holy Mother of God.
Concerning the honour due to the Saints and their remains.
Regarding the things said concerning Christ.
That God is not the cause of evils.
That there are not two Kingdoms.
The purpose for which God in His foreknowledge created persons who would sin and not repent.
Concerning the law of God and the law of sin.