Bardenhewer, Bertram Otto
Roman Catholic; b. at München-Gladbach (16 m. w.
of Düsseldorf) Mar. 16, 1851. He was educated at
the universities of Bonn (Ph.D., 1873) and
Würzburg, and in 1879 became privat-docent of theology
at the University of Munich. In 1884 he accepted
a call to Münster as professor of New Testament
exegesis and Biblical hermeneutics, and two years
later returned in the same capacity to Munich,
where he still remains. He has been a member of the
Deutsche morgenländische Gesellschaft since 1873,
and of the papal Bible Committee since 1903.
He was rector of the university in 1906, and has
written Hermetis Trismegisti qui apud Arabes
fertur de castigatione animæ libellus (Bonn, 1873);
Des heiligen Hippolytus von Rom Kommentar zum
Buche Daniel (Freiburg, 1877); Polychronius,
Bruder Theodors von Mopsuestia and Bischof von
Apamea (1879); Die pseudo-aristotelische Schrift
über die reine Gute, bekannt unter dem Namen Liber
de causis (1882); Patrologie (1894); and
Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur
(2 vols., 1902-03). Since 1895 he has edited
Biblische Studien at Freiburg.