Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Of Creeds in General
Chapter 2. The Œcumenical Creeds.
Chapter 3. Creeds of the Greek Church
The Confessions of Gennadius, A.D. 1453.
The Answers of the Patriarch Jeremiah to the Lutherans, A.D. 1576.
The Confession of Metrophanes Critopulus, A.D. 1626.
The Confession of Cyril Lucar, A.D. 1631.
The Orthodox Confession of Mogilas, A.D. 1643.
The Synod of Jerusalem, and the Confession of Dositheus, A.D. 1672.
The Synods of Constantinople, A.D. 1672 and 1691.
The Doctrinal Standards of the Russo-Greek Church.
Chapter 4. The Creeds of the Roman Church.
Standard Expositions of the Roman Catholic System.
The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, A.D. 1563.
The Profession of the Tridentine Faith, A.D. 1564.
The Roman Catechism, A.D. 1566.
The Papal Bulls Against the Jansenists, A.D. 1653, 1713.
The Papal Definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, A.D. 1854.
The Argument for the Immaculate Conception.
The Papal Syllabus, A.D. 1864.
The Vatican Council, A.D. 1864.
The Vatican Decrees. The Constitution of the Catholic Faith.
The Vatican Decrees, Continued. The Papal Infallibility Decree.
Papal Infallibility Explained, and Tested by Scripture and Tradition.
Chapter 5. The Creeds of the Evangelical Churches.
Chapter 6. The Creeds of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The Augsburg Confession, 1530.
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession. A.D. 1530–1531.
Luther's Catechisms. A.D. 1529.
The Articles of Smalcald. A.D. 1537.
The Form of Concord. A.D. 1577.
The Form of Concord, Concluded.
Superseded Lutheran Symbols. The Saxon Confession. The Würtemberg Confession. 1551.
Chapter 7. The Creeds of the Evangelical Reformed Churches
I. Reformed Confessions of Switzerland.
Zwingli's Distinctive Doctrines.
The First Confession of Basle. A.D. 1534.
The First Helvetic Confession. A.D. 1533.
The Second Helvetic Confession. A.D. 1566.
John Calvin. His Life and Character.
Calvin's Work. His Theology and Discipline.
The Catechism of Geneva. A.D. 1536 and 1541.
The Consensus of Zurich. A.D. 1549.
The Reformed Confessions of France and the Netherlands.
The Gallican Confession. A.D. 1559.
The Declaration of Faith of the Reformed Church in France. A.D. 1872.
The Belgic Confession. A.D. 1561.
The Arminian Controversy and the Synod of Dort, A.D. 1604–1619.
III. Reformed Confessions of Germany.
The Reformed Confessions of Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary.
The Bohemian Brethren and the Waldenses.
The Bohemian Confessions after the Reformation. A.D. 1535 and 1575.
The Reformation in Poland and the Consensus of Sendomir. A.D. 1570.
The Reformation in Hungary and the Confession of Czenger. A.D. 1557.
V. the Anglican Articles of Religion.
The Doctrinal Position of the Anglican Church and Her Relation to Other Churches.
The Doctrinal Formulas of Henry VIII.
The Edwardine Articles. A.D. 1553.
The Elizabethan Articles. A.D. 1563 and 1571.
The Interpretation of the Articles.
American Revision of the Thirty-nine Articles, A.D. 1801.
The Catechisms of the Church of England. A.D. 1549 and 1662.
The Lambeth Articles, A.D. 1595.
Chapter 8. The Creeds of Modern Evangelical Denominations.
English Congregational Creeds.
American Congregational Creeds.
The Anabaptists and Mennonites.
The Regular or Calvinistic Baptists.
Arminian or Free-will Baptists.
The Society of Friends, or Quakers.
Analysis of Arminian Methodism.
The Catholic Apostolic Church (Called Irvingites).
The Articles of the Evangelical Alliance.