Joseph Hall

Bishop of Norwich


July 1, 1574
September 8, 1656
Related topics
Characters and characteristics, Christian life, Church of England, Early works, Devotional literature,


Joseph Hall was a prominent Bishop in England. He was to a mom who was a strict Puritan. He attended Ashby Grammar School and Emmanuel College, where he earned his B.A., M.A., and D.D. He was an outstanding student and lecturer. As a young man, he was a gifted satirist. Hall also had a forte for poetry. Some of his poetry has survived to this day. He was a controversialist. He took on the Protestant separatists, Brownists, and even Robinson (the pastor of the Mayflower). Hall wrote more than a dozen devotional books, including The Art of Divine Meditation and The Balm of Gilead. Hall and his wife, Elizabeth, raised six children. In 1656, at the age of 82, Hall died.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of Joseph Hall

Works published by Joseph Hall


Works published about Joseph Hall

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