- Meter:
- 8,6,8,6
- Incipit:
- Do-re-mi form:
- Oxford Hymn Tune Index form:
53651 17151 5645_
- Author:
- A Supplement to the New Version of Psalms (sixth edition), 1708
- attr. to, William Croft, Hart's Collection, 1720
- tenor-lead arr., Martin Shaw, 1915
- Music:
- Four-part harmony, full score [Noteworthy Composer score]
- Four-part harmony, full score [MIDI file]
- Four-part harmony, full score [Adobe Acrobat image]
- Four-part harmony, part score [MIDI file]
- Four-part harmony, full score, Tenor-lead arrangement [Noteworthy Composer score]
- Four-part harmony, full score, Tenor-lead arrangement [MIDI file]
- Four-part harmony, full score, Tenor-lead arrangement [Adobe Acrobat image]
- Four-part harmony, part score, Tenor-lead arrangement [MIDI file]
- Notes:
- First attributed to Croft in 1720; he may have helped edit the
Supplement. Widely used as a "common tune", in 1861 it
was used by Hymns Ancient and Modern for Watts' psalm
"Our God, Our Help in Ages Past" -- it is hard to imagine a more
fitting choice. It appears in Handel's Chandos Anthem "O Praise
the Lord," and in Bach's Fugue in E flat.