"We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend"
by Unknown
Translated by Matthias Loy, 1828-1915
Text From:
(St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1941)
1. We thank Thee, Jesus, dearest Friend,
That Thou didst into heaven ascend.
O blessed Savior, bid us live
And strength to soul and body give.
2. Ascended to His throne on high,
Hid from our sight, yet always nigh;
He rules and reigns at God's right hand
And has all power at His command.
3. The man who trusts in Him is blest
And finds in Him eternal rest;
This world's allurements we despise
And fix on Christ alone our eyes.
4. We therefore heartily rejoice
And sing His praise with cheerful voice;
He captive led captivity,
From bitter death He set us free.
5. Through Him we heirs of heaven are made;
O Brother, Christ, extend Thine aid
That we may firmly trust in Thee
And through Thee live eternally.
Hymn #223 from The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Eph. 4:8
Author: Unknown, 1607, cento.
Translated by: Matthias Loy, 1880, alt.
Titled: "Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ"
Tune: "Erschienen ist"
Composer: Nikolaus Herman, 1560
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